Start here...

I wrote "Start here..." as the place for me to start writing from.

Equally as a reader, it's also a good place to start exploring what's here too.

What will you find here?

{Right now, not much. Treat this more as a statement of intent.}

The best way to learn something is to teach it.

I'm building a collection of notes, articles and links from the projects I'm working on, and about things I've learnt or I'm learning about.

I share these with you (where I can).

And I'll also include things I think are important or I find interesting.... or simply make me smile.

Here are a few of the broad topics I'll cover....

Online Events (my core business)

Designing, hosting and filling online virtual events is a business I fell into quite recently.

Totally unexpectedly.

Everything came together and we're off....with a 3-day online global gathering hosted in early 2020.

Lots to share here!

As they say....incredible things happen when we bring the right people together, in the right way, for the right reasons.

We can now bring people together online who couldn't otherwise be able to meet up.

We just need to use our imaginations...

Maybe to build relationships with a 121 video speed-networking session for 50-100 people.

Or a full-on convention for 100s or 1,000s of attendee, speaker panels, discussion groups, exhibitors...the works. .

Or to motivate a movement of 100s of 1,000s of people, all coming together to make something happen.

{Gentle Plug: If you need to bring people together, lets have a chat. Grab a free slot in my diary here >>>}

Learning Faster and Thinking Smarter

Ultralearning, deliberate practice, better note-taking (e.g. Zettlekasten system) ....

Mental models, systems thinking....


Writing and Story-Telling

Turning notes into writing. Structure, etc. Rapid writing...

Viking Velociraptor, PAS, StoryBrand etc copywriting formulae


Seth Godin's (This Is Marketing) + Andre Chaperon's (Sphere's of Influence + AutoResponder Madness - note he's giving away ARM V2 free right now, ahead of V4 coming out).


I recently read Signals: How Everyday Signs Can Help Us Navigate the World's Turbulent Economy by economist Pippa Malmgren.

I want to be able to read these signals. I think understanding Tetlock's Superforecasting methods might help too (not done that yet).

As well as the huge tech advances and demographic shifts, there's also a lot of long-term geopolitical forces at play too. I need to catch up. Stating with What To Read On Geopolitics

And as William Gibson said....."The future is already here – it's just not evenly distributed".